Our Client Base

We proudly provide service to clients from a wide range of nonprofit industries, including:

  • Health & Wellness
  • Animal Welfare
  • Community & Human Services
  • Foundations & Funders
  • Local Government

Our Fantastic Clients (partial listing)

  • CancerConnects, Inc.
  • The Gifford Foundation
  • New York Folklore Society
  • Syracuse Obedience Training Club
  • Cuse Pit Crew
  • Sunshine Horses, Inc.
  • Rockbridge-Haiti Medical Alliance
  • USDOJ - Project Safe Neighborhoods
  • North Country Pet Adoption Services
  • Australian Labradoodle Association of America, Inc.
  • New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA)
  • West Virginia Nonprofit Association (WVNPA)
  • Faithful America
  • Spay And Neuter Syracuse (SANS)
  • Wood County Senior Citizens Association of WV

Just click on a logo to visit the website.

Contact us...

To schedule an appointment or find out more about the services we offer, please contact us at:  (315) 885-6690


Or send us an email at: 


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© Three Dog Consulting, Inc.